
Wiarton Food Forest Opening

Venue: Wiarton Salvation Army Church (backyard)

City or town: Wiarton

Street address: 576 Edward Street

Postal code: N0H 2T0

Start Date: Thursday, June 20 @ 15:30

End Date: Thursday, June 20 @ 16:30

Host name: Wiarton Salvation Army Church

Host email:

About This Event

This perennial Food Forest will provide food for their community for decades into the future. And it was built by kids and seniors!

-Lisa A. Osborne,

It’s an Open House, but we’ve been giving out tickets so we can gauge how many people will come – for food and beverages.

An update on the Wiarton Community Food Forest! It was a 10 month after school program, where volunteers met once per month.

People learned, planned, designed, then installed over 9 meetings starting September 2023 and now it's ready.

Our last meetup is June 20th at 3:30 p.m. (after school) and will be our public open house, with a ribbon-cutting.

So if you will come, and you’ll bring along others, let us know by emailing a quick rsvp