The Sustainability Project

We Are The Sustainability Project.

Nurturing Ideas That Transform

At The Sustainability Project, we believe in creating & supporting a culture of sustainability, in the power of change, and in resilience & community.

Here are some of the things we've got going on:

The Sustainability Map list lets you find & connect with organizations addressing climate change.

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Our Events and Workbees keep you up to date with climate-related happenings.

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Consider a Workbee

Scroll down to learn more about how we're involved with opportunities for high school students, accessible local food programs, online and in-person meetups, water management for the Great Lakes Basin, and more.

RELEASE: Saukiing Anishnaabekiing or Grey Bruce Due to frozen pipes bursting and temporary closure at the Rumpus Room, we are moving our Teacher YCAC …
Finally. We are meeting up in-person in Meaford this Saturday, and it'll mark the first time we've had an "open invite" climate event since our month…
Get ready, get set, the 2024 YCAC is coming soon! The Youth Climate Action Conference is a one-day conference in Owen Sound, inviting area students to…
Feeding the community together! Have you had a chance to visit the new location for the Community Fridge and Pantry in Meaford? It's home is now with …
Youth Climate Action Conference

Youth Climate Action Conference 4.0 is set for November 2025 at the Harmony Centre in Owen Sound. We will be welcoming over 125 students and 25+ teachers from 25 schools across the region!


Each participating school is sending 1-2 educators and up to 5 grade 6-8 students to this free event including:

  • Professional development for teachers to learn how to connect climate to their curriculum
  • Hands-on workshops for students
  • Library of virtual workshops to keep learning with their whole class
  • Action project funding to turn their project ideas into reality
Career Opportunities for students

CareerWorks is a series of experiential, hands on workshops for high schools students looking ahead.

Watch the Video

Participation in our CareerWORKS programs will expose students to a range of skills, jobs, career opportunities and businesses that make up the supply chains of the various CareerWORKS themes.

Accessible local food programs

Community Gardens & Gleaning Network connects community gardens, local producers, food banks, and end-users to improve and increase local food accessibility.

Supported by:

Search our Community Gardens

The Sustainability Map.

Zoom in on the Sustainability Map to where you work and play, and use the map to find volunteer opportunities with groups who are making a difference.

You can also use this as a chance to speak with your wallet.

View the Map

We live and work on the ancestral territories of the Saugeen Ojibway, in what is now called Ontario, Canada.

We wish to formally acknowledge the Territory of the Anishinabek Nation: The People of the Three Fires known as Ojibway, Odawa, and Pottawatomie Nations. And further give thanks to the Chippewas of Saugeen, and the Chippewas of Nawash, known collectively as the Saugeen Ojibway Nation, as the traditional keepers of this land.

We respect you and your connection to nature.

Learn More about SON Environment Office